类型 函数 库 json.* 返回值 字符串 版本 版本 2024.3703 关键字 json 另请参见 json.decode()
将 Lua 对象(表格)作为 JSON 编码的字符串返回。由于 Lua 表格中值为 nil
的项实际上并不存在,所以如果你需要保留 JSON 中的数组索引,你应使用 json.null
作为占位符(请参阅 json.decode() 中关于 nullval
json.encode( t [, options] )
表格. Lua 表格。
表格. 包含 JSON 库可选指令的 Lua 表格
— 设置为 true
以生成格式化的 JSON 输出。exception
— 调用以处理不支持的数据类型。参数为 reason
和 defaultmessage
。返回一个要包含在输出中或引发错误的 nil
字符串。默认情况下,Corona 将不支持的值处理为字符串。nil
格式,例如 "\021"
编码为 "\u0015"
字符都解码为字符(仅 0
和 /* */
,并按正常方式由 Lua 处理(例如,它们看似不存在,请参阅 json.decode())。local json = require( "json" ) local t = { ["name1"] = "value1", ["name2"] = { 1, false, true, 23.54, "a \021 string" }, name3 = json.null } local encoded = json.encode( t ) print( encoded ) --> {"name1":"value1","name3":null,"name2":[1,false,true,23.54,"a \u0015 string"]} local encoded = json.encode( t, { indent=true } ) print( encoded ) --> { --> "name1":"value1", --> "name3":null, --> "name2":[1,false,true,23.54,"a \u0015 string"] --> } -- Since this was just encoded using the same library it's unlikely to fail -- However, it's good practice to handle errors anyway local decoded, pos, msg = json.decode( encoded ) if not decoded then print( "Decode failed at " .. tostring(pos) .. ": " .. tostring(msg) ) else print( decoded.name2[4] ) --> 23.54 end
local json = require( "json" ) local function onTapLogo( event ) print( "onTapLogo: event: " .. json.encode( event, { indent=true } ) ) end local logo = display.newImageRect( "logo.png", 128, 128 ) logo.x = display.contentCenterX logo.y = display.contentCenterY logo:addEventListener( "tap", onTapLogo )
onTapLogo: event: { "y":175, "x":198, "time":2720.303, "target":{ "_dispatchingEventName":"tap", "_class":{ "removeEventListener":"<type 'function' is not supported by JSON.>", "addEventListener":"<type 'function' is not supported by JSON.>", "__index":"<reference cycle>" }, "_proxy":"<type 'userdata' is not supported by JSON.>", "_functionListeners":{ "tap":["<type 'function' is not supported by JSON.>"] } }, "numTaps":1, "name":"tap" }