类型 函数 库 system.* 返回值 无 修订 版本 2024.3703 关键词 多点触控 另请参阅 system.activate()
停用系统级功能,例如 `“multitouch”`。
默认情况下,多点触控功能是禁用的,因此除非之前通过 system.activate() 激活,否则此函数不会有任何效果。
system.deactivate( feature )
字符串。 要停用的系统功能。目前,唯一支持的值包括:
-- The following sample activates multitouch and creates a touch listener for a graphic -- This displays the location, phase, and touch ID of each touch event -- After 8 seconds, multitouch is then deactivated system.activate( "multitouch" ) local bg = display.newRect( 0, 0, 320, 480 ) local output = native.newTextBox( 0, 20, 320, 240 ) output.size = 12 function showTouch( event ) -- Display the event info on the screen output.text = output.text .. "\nPhase: " .. event.phase output.text = output.text .. "\n(" .. event.x .. "," .. event.y .. ")" output.text = output.text .. "\nId: " .. tostring( event.id ) end bg:addEventListener( "touch", showTouch ) -- Deactivate multitouch after 8 seconds timer.performWithDelay( 8000, function() system.deactivate( "multitouch" ); end )