类型 布尔值 对象 InputDevice 修订版本 版本 2024.3703 关键词 设备,输入,isConnected
如果输入设备当前可用,则返回 true
。在这种情况下,connectionState 属性将处于“已连接”状态。
如果输入设备不可用且无法提供输入事件,则返回 false
。在这种情况下,connectionState 属性将处于“已断开连接”、“正在断开连接”或“正在连接”状态。
-- Called when the status of an input device has changed. local function onInputDeviceStatusChanged( event ) if event.connectionStateChanged then if event.device.isConnected then -- Device has been connected. -- If was once disconnected, then you should resume the game. else -- Connection has been lost. -- You may want to pause the game and warn the user in this case. end end end -- Set up the above function to receive input device status change events. Runtime:addEventListener( "inputDeviceStatus", onInputDeviceStatusChanged )