类型 函数 返回值 无 修订 版本 2024.3703 关键词 动画, 补间动画, 时间线, 插值, 暂停 另请参阅 动画 — 补间动画和时间线 (指南) animation.resume() 补间动画 时间线
animation.pause() animation.pause( tweenObject ) animation.pause( displayObject ) animation.pause( tagName ) animation.pause( timelineObject )
显示对象. 将暂停其上所有关联补间动画的显示对象。
字符串. 标签名称;所有带有此标签的补间动画/时间线都将暂停。
local object1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 100 ) local object2 = display.newRect( 50, 150, 100, 100 ) local tween1 = animation.to( object1, { y=300 }, { time=400 } ) local tween2 = animation.to( object2, { y=400 }, { time=200 } ) -- Sometime later, pause all tweens and timelines animation.pause()
local object1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 100 ) local object2 = display.newRect( 50, 150, 100, 100 ) local tween1 = animation.to( object1, { y=300 }, { time=400 } ) local tween2 = animation.to( object2, { y=400 }, { time=200 } ) -- Sometime later, pause a specific tween animation.pause( tween1 )
local object1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 100 ) local tween1 = animation.to( object1, { y=300 }, { time=2000 } ) local tween2 = animation.to( object1, { rotation=90 }, { time=1000, delay=1000 } ) -- Sometime later, pause all tweens on the object animation.pause( object1 )
local object1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 100 ) local object2 = display.newRect( 50, 150, 100, 100 ) local tween1 = animation.to( object1, { y=300 }, { time=400, tag="tweenTag" } ) local tween2 = animation.to( object2, { y=400 }, { time=200, tag="tweenTag" } ) -- Sometime later, pause all tweens with the tag "tweenTag" animation.pause( "tweenTag" )
local object1 = display.newRect( 50, 50, 100, 100 ) -- Create a timeline object local timelineParams = { tweens = { { startTime=0, tween={ object1, { x=400 }, { time=4000, iterations=5 } } }, { startTime=1000, tween={ object1, { y=400 }, { time=4000, easing=easing.outQuad } } } } } local newTimeline = animation.newTimeline( timelineParams ) -- Set the timeline playing newTimeline:resume() -- Sometime later, pause the timeline animation.pause( newTimeline )