类型 函数 库 gamecircle.* 返回值 数字 修订 版本 2024.3703 关键词 累加,数字,获取,Whispersync
根据分配给该值的键返回 AccumulatedNumber 的值。
local value = gamecircle.Whispersync.GetAccumulatedNumber(key, NT_constant)
字符串. 用于访问特定累加数字的键。
字符串. NT_常量,可以是“INT”或“DOUBLE”,决定了累加数字在插件内部的处理方式以及返回方式。“INT”将返回一个没有小数位的整数。“DOUBLE”将返回带有小数位的数字。如果给定的字符串无效,则默认使用“INT”。
local gamecircle = require("plugin.gamecircle") gamecircle.Init(false, false, true) gamecircle.Whispersync.IncrementAccumulatingNumber("myFirstAccumNum", 25.255, "INT") gamecircle.Whispersync.DecrementAccumulatingNumber("myFirstAccumNum", 15.743, "INT") print("The value of the AccumNum should be 10. It is: " .. gamecircle.Whispersync.GetAccumulatedNumber("myFirstAccumNum", "INT")) --The value will be 10 because we used the NT_constant (NumberType) of "INT", meaning the decimal places were ignored for all the numbers. gamecircle.Whispersync.IncrementAccumulatingNumber("mySecondAccumNum", 25.255, "DOUBLE") gamecircle.Whispersync.DecrementAccumulatingNumber("mySecondAccumNum", 15.743, "DOUBLE") print("The integer value of the second AccumNum should be 9. It is: " .. gamecircle.Whispersync.GetAccumulatedNumber("mySecondAccumNum", "INT")) --The value stored with WhisperSync is actually 9.512, but because we used the "INT" NT_constant with the Get functions, we only got the 9 value. print("The double value of the second AccumNum should be 9.512. It is: " .. gamecircle.Whispersync.GetAccumulatedNumber("mySecondAccumNum", "DOUBLE")) --Using the NT_constant "DOUBLE", we are able to get the full decimal number stored with Whispersync. print("These are all the Accumulated Numbers I've generated under the current GameData set of Whispersync.") local keys = gamecircle.Whispersync.GetAccumulatingNumberKeys() for i,key in ipairs(keys) do print("-" .. key) end