类型 函数 返回值 无 修订版 版本 2024.3703 关键字 按需资源,onDemandResources,请求 另请参阅 onDemandResources.setEventListener() onDemandResources.*
onDemandResources.request( tag [, download] [, listener] )
字符串. 要请求的标签
布尔值. 指示如果资源不在本地可用,是否应该开始下载该资源。默认值为 true
。如果你只想检查关联的资源是否在本地可用,请传递 false
侦听器. 当资源可以访问时或发生错误时,将接收
local odr = require( "plugin.onDemandResources" ) -- On-demand resources listener function local function odrListener( event ) if ( event .isError ) then -- Resources are not downloaded; see next example for download usage end end -- Check image resources for second level odr.request( "imgL2", false, odrListener ) -- Pass 'false' as second argument to check (not download)
local odr = require( "plugin.onDemandResources" ) -- On-demand resources listener function local function odrListener( event ) if not ( event.isError ) then print( "Resources for tag '" .. event.tag .. "' downloaded" ) else print( "ERROR: errorCode = " .. tostring(event.errorCode) ) end end -- Request image resources for first level odr.request( "imgL1", true, odrListener )
local odr = require( "plugin.onDemandResources" ) local composer = require( "composer" ) local widget = require( "widget" ) local levelTag = "assetsL1" local levelScene = "level1" -- This function will indicate progress via a widget and go to scene when done local function downloadResources( tag ) -- Create progress bar local progressBar = widget.newProgressView( { x=160, y=240, width=120, isAnimated=false } ) progressBar:setProgress( 0 ) -- Runtime listener to update progress bar local function updateProgress() progressBar:setProgress( odr.progress(tag) ) end Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", updateProgress ) -- Now, download resources with "urgent" priority odr.request( tag, true, function( event ) -- Remove progress bar Runtime:removeEventListener( "enterFrame", updateProgress ) progressBar:removeSelf() progressBar = nil -- Proceed to level scene if not ( event.isError ) then composer.gotoScene( levelScene ) end end ) odr.setDownloadPriority( tag, "urgent" ) end -- First, simply check if resources are already downloaded odr.request( levelTag, false, function( event ) if not ( event.isError ) then -- Resources already downloaded; proceed to level scene composer.gotoScene( levelScene ) else -- Resources must be downloaded; call download function above downloadResources( levelTag ) end end )