类型 函数 版本 Release 2024.3703 关键词 粘贴,剪贴板 另请参见 剪贴板 pasteboard.copy() pasteboard.clear()
图像复制/粘贴仅受 iOS 支持。
pasteboard.paste( [listener] )
函数. 执行粘贴操作时需要调用的侦听器函数。该函数会传入一个 event
local pasteboard = require( "plugin.pasteboard" ) -- Callback function for the paste method local function onPaste( event ) -- Print the type of data on the pasteboard print( "Type of data:", pasteboard.getType() ) -- Paste an image if ( event.filename ) then print( "filename is:", event.filename ) print( "baseDir is:", event.baseDir ) end -- Paste a string if ( event.string ) then print( "string is:", event.string ) end -- Paste a URL if ( event.url ) then print( "URL is:", event.url ) end end pasteboard.paste( onPaste )