类型 事件 版本 发布 2024.3703 关键字 steam、steamworks、排行榜、setHighScore 另请参阅 steamworks.requestSetHighScore() steamworks.*
事件,指示对 steamworks.requestSetHighScore() 函数的调用是成功还是失败的。此外,还指示分数是否更改了,如果更改了,用户在排行榜上的新全球排名为多少。
该事件只能被传递给了 steamworks.requestSetHighScore() 函数的 函数 监听器接收。
local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" ) -- Called by the "steamworks.requestSetHighScore()" function with the result local function onReceivedSetHighScoreResult( event ) if ( event.isError ) then -- Request failed; typically happens when there is no Internet access -- Note that an error will not occur if the given score is less than the highest print( "Failed to access the leaderboard." ) else -- Print the result of this request to the log print( "Leaderboard Name: " .. event.leaderboardName ) print( "Was Score Changed: " .. tostring(event.scoreChanged) ) if ( event.scoreChanged ) then print( "Current Rank: " .. tostring(event.currentGlobalRank) ) print( "Previous Rank: " .. tostring(event.previousGlobalRank) ) end end end -- Attempt to set a new high score for the current user -- Requires an active Internet connection to succeed -- Will provide the requested result to the given function local requestSettings = { leaderboardName = "My Leaderboard Name", value = 9000, listener = onReceivedSetHighScoreResult } steamworks.requestSetHighScore( requestSettings )