
类型 布尔值
修订版 Release 2024.3703
关键字 steam、steamworks、isLoggedOn
另请参阅 steamworks.*


如果满足以下所有条件,此属性值为 true


如果此属性为 false,则此插件的大多数 API 将无法工作,并将返回 falsenil。假定应用程序设置正确,则您必须假设用户当前未登录到 Steam 客户端并正在直接运行应用程序。在这种情况下,您应要求用户退出应用程序,登录到 Steam,然后重新启动应用程序,经由 Steam 客户端。

请注意,如果此属性返回 false,它将永远不会在应用程序的生存期内返回 true,即使用户在应用程序运行时登录到 Steam 客户端也是如此。用户必须退出应用程序并在登录 Steam 后重新启动应用程序。


local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" )

-- Do not continue if a logged in Steam user can't be found
-- This means the Steam client is not running or the user is not logged in
if ( steamworks.isLoggedOn == false ) then

    -- Handle the native alert's result displayed below
    local function onAlertHandler( event )
        -- If user logged in, display the Steam client via its custom URL scheme
        if ( event.action == "clicked" ) and ( event.index == 1 ) then
            system.openURL( "steam:" )

        -- Exit this app, regardless of which button was pressed
        -- The Steam client MUST be running when this app starts up

    -- Display a native alert asking the user to log into Steam
    local message =
        "You must log into Steam in order to play this game.\n" ..
        "After logging in, you must then relaunch this app."
    native.showAlert( "Alert", message, { "Log In", "Close" }, onAlertHandler )

    -- Exit out of the "main.lua" file
    -- The screen will be black, only showing the native alert above

-- Successfully connected to Steam
print( "Successfully connected to Steam!" )