类型 数字 修订版本 版本 2024.3703 关键词 steam, steamworks, 图像, 纹理, 头像, ImageInfo, imageHandle 另请参阅 ImageInfo steamworks.*
Steam 分配给图像的唯一临时整数标识符。用于通过 steamworks.newImageRect() 或 steamworks.newTexture() 函数加载图像。
不应将图像句柄保存到文件。Steam 分配给图像的唯一句柄可能会在应用程序后续启动后发生更改。
local steamworks = require( "plugin.steamworks" ) -- Fetch information about the logged in user's avatar image local imageInfo = steamworks.getUserImageInfo( "mediumAvatar" ) if ( imageInfo == nil ) then return end -- Use "steamworks.newImageRect()" to display avatar on left side of the screen local imageAvatar = steamworks.newImageRect( imageInfo.imageHandle, 64, 64 ) if ( imageAvatar ) then imageAvatar.x = display.contentWidth * 0.25 imageAvatar.y = display.contentCenterY end -- Use "steamworks.newTexture()" to display avatar on right side of the screen local texture = steamworks.newTexture( imageInfo.imageHandle ) if ( texture ) then local textureAvatar = display.newRect( display.contentWidth*0.75, display.contentCenterY, 64, 64 ) rectangle.fill = { type = "image", filename = texture.filename, baseDir = texture.baseDir } texture:releaseSelf() end