类型 库 版本 版本 2024.3703 关键词 ZeroConf,网络 平台 Android、iOS、macOS、Windows、tvOS
除 Windows 外,所有平台默认都支持服务发现。要在 Windows 上使用此插件,必须安装 Bonjour 3 或更高版本。
您可以使用“Bonjour 浏览器”之类的软件来验证服务发现是否正常运行。
local zeroconf = require( "plugin.zeroconf" )
要使用此插件,请在 `build.settings` 的 `plugins` 表中添加一个条目。添加后,构建服务器将在构建阶段集成该插件。
settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.zeroconf"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, }, }
-- Publishes a service of type '_corona_test._tcp' and then starts discovery for the service -- Require the plugin local zeroconf = require( "plugin.zeroconf" ) -- Listener to be called for ZeroConf events local function zeroconfListener( event ) -- Service has been found if ( event.phase == "found" and not event.isError ) then print( "SERVICE FOUND" ) print( "-------------" ) if event.serviceName then print( "Service name: " .. event.serviceName ) end if event.port then print( "Port: " .. tostring(event.port) ) end if ( event.addresses and #event.addresses > 0 ) then print( "Service provider addresses:" ) for i = 1,#event.addresses do print( " " .. event.addresses[i] ) end end -- Service has been lost! elseif event.phase == "lost" then print( "SERVICE LOST!" ) print( "-------------" ) if event.serviceName then print( "Service name: " .. event.serviceName ) end end end -- Initialize listener zeroconf.init( zeroconfListener ) -- Generate a service name local serviceName = system.getInfo("name") .. " (" .. system.getInfo("platformName") .. ")" -- Publish a service (make it discoverable over the network) local service = zeroconf.publish( { port=2929, name=serviceName, type="_corona_test._tcp" } ) -- Start looking for published services local browser = zeroconf.browse( { type="_corona_test._tcp" } )