类型 数字 对象 BitmapPaint 库 display.* 修订版 2024.3703 版 另请参阅 paint.scaleY BitmapPaint ImageSheetPaint
定义了 BitmapPaint 图像的x 比例因子,例如,1
等于 100%,0.5
等于 50%,2
等于 200%。
当缩放位图填充以跨越不同大小(与填充图像相比)的显示对象时,可能需要在填充图像周围加入一个 2 像素的透明边框,以防止最外侧的像素溢出。填充图像的纵横比应与父级相同,否则会出现拉伸。请参阅下面的示例代码,了解如何维护图像纵横比。
-- Create a vector rectangle local rect = display.newRect( 200, 200, 300, 300 ) -- Set the fill (paint) to use the bitmap image local paint = { type = "image", filename = "texture1.png" } -- Fill the rectangle rect.fill = paint -- Scale the fill on the X axis rect.fill.scaleX = 2
-- Create a vector rectangle local rect = display.newRoundedRect( 0, 0, 150, 50, 12 ) -- Set the fill (paint) to use the bitmap image local paint = { type = "image", filename = "image1.png", baseDir = system.TemporaryDirectory, } -- Fill the rectangle rect.fill = paint -- Draw the temporary image to get the width and height. This will be removed later. local image = display.newImage( "image1.png" , system.TemporaryDirectory ) -- Calculate the image ratio local imageRatio = image.width / image.height local rectRatio = rect.width / rect.height -- Apply the scale correctly if imageRatio ~= rectRatio then if imageRatio < rectRatio then -- Make height higher rect.fill.scaleY = rectRatio / imageRatio else -- Make width wider rect.fill.scaleX = imageRatio / rectRatio end end -- Remove the image display.remove(image)