类型 C 头文件 修订 版本 2024.3703 关键词 iOS, Solar2D Native, C, CoronaGraphics.h 另请参阅 Corona C 函数 TextureResourceExternal
包含与 Corona 图形流水线交互的接口。这些接口都以 CoronaExternal
这些接口允许从 C 插件加载的位图通过将它们作为 TextureResourceExternal 对象推送到 Lua 中来在 Corona 中显示。包装在 Lua TextureResourceExternal 对象中的位图可以通过接受图像 filename
和 baseDir
参数的 API 在 Corona 中显示,例如 Lua display.newImage()、display.newImageRect() 和 graphics.newImageSheet() 函数。纹理也可以应用于具有 fill 属性的显示对象,例如 ShapeObject。
请参阅《纹理加载/管理》指南,了解如何在 Corona 中使用和管理纹理的示例。
此示例是一个假设的 plugin.texturer
,它具有一个函数 newTexture()
函数声明插件。这对于所有插件都是通用的。CORONA_EXPORT int luaopen_plugin_texturer( lua_State *L ) { // Functions in library const luaL_Reg kVTable[] = { { "newTexture", newTexture }, { NULL, NULL } }; luaL_openlib( L, kName, kVTable, 0 ); return 1; }
函数/** TextureResourceExternal texturer.newTexture(image) */ int newTexture(lua_State* luaStatePointer) { int image = 0; if (lua_type(luaStatePointer, 1) == LUA_TNUMBER) { image = (int)lua_tointeger(luaStatePointer, 1); } else { luaL_argerror( L, 1, "image must be a number") } // creating callbacks structure and initializing it with zeros CoronaExternalTextureCallbacks callbacks = {0}; // setting size callbacks.size = sizeof(CoronaExternalTextureCallbacks); // setting callbacks callbacks.getWidth = getWidth; callbacks.getHeight = getHeight; callbacks.onRequestBitmap = onRequestBitmap; callbacks.onReleaseBitmap = onReleaseBitmap; callbacks.onFinalize = onFinalize; // Creating helper structure HelperStruct* helper = new HelperStruct(); helper->image = image; helper->w = TPA_GetImageWidth(image); //caching width and height helper->h = TPA_GetImageHeight(image); int ret = CoronaExternalPushTexture(L, &callbacks, (image)); // Note that we're not deleting `helper` when everything is OK. It would be released in finalizing callback. if (ret == 0) { // something went wrong. Texture was not pushed, so should clean up to prevent memory leak delete helper; } return ret; }
struct HelperStruct { unsigned w; unsigned h; int image; void *buff; } unsigned getWidth(void* userData) { HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData; return self->w; } unsigned getHeight(void* userData) { HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData; return self->h; } const void* onRequestBitmap(void* userData) { HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData; int sz = self->w*self->h*4; // we know that our API always return 4 byte RGBA self->buff = new unsigned char[sz]; TPA_GetImageRGBA(self->image, self->buff, sz); return self->buff; } void onReleaseBitmap(void* userData) { HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData; delete [] self->buff; } void onFinalize(void *userData) { HelperStruct* self = (HelperStruct*)userData; // release helper when texture is no longer required delete self; }
local texturer = require( "plugin.texturer" ) local tex = texturer.newTexture( 42 ) display.newImageRect( tex.filename, tex.baseDir, tex.width, tex.height ) tex:releaseSelf()
创建纹理时,不会立即调用回调。Corona 在帧之间以及仅在需要时创建纹理。此外,在调用 texture:releaseSelf()
不一定会被释放——只有这个 Lua **引用**会被释放。如果有任何显示对象正在使用该纹理,则它不会被释放,以便它们仍然可以正确渲染。