类型 库 修订版本 版本 2024.3703 关键词 memoryBitmap,位图 平台 Android,iOS,macOS,Windows,tvOS 示例 https://github.com/coronalabs/plugins-sample-memoryBitmap
local memoryBitmap = require( "plugin.memoryBitmap" )
要使用此插件,请在 `build.settings` 的 `plugins` 表中添加一个条目。添加后,构建服务器将在构建阶段集成该插件。
settings = { plugins = { ["plugin.memoryBitmap"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs" }, }, }
local memoryBitmap = require( "plugin.memoryBitmap" ) -- Create bitmap texture local tex = memoryBitmap.newTexture( { width = 100, height = 100, -- format = "rgba" -- (default) -- format = "rgb" -- format = "mask" }) -- Create image using the bitmap texture local bitmap = display.newImageRect( tex.filename, tex.baseDir, 100, 100 ) bitmap.x = display.contentCenterX bitmap.y = display.contentCenterY -- Set a pixel color in the bitmap tex:setPixel( 10, 10, 1, 0, 0, 1 ) -- Set pixel at (10,10) to be red -- tex:setPixel( 10, 10, {1,0,0,1} ) -- Same using table syntax for RGB+A color -- Get a pixel color from the bitmap print( tex:getPixel( 10, 10 ) ) --> 1 0 0 1 -- Submit texture to be updated tex:invalidate()
local memoryBitmap = require( "plugin.memoryBitmap" ) -- Create bitmap texture local tex = memoryBitmap.newTexture( { width = 100, height = 100, -- format = "rgba" -- (default) -- format = "rgb" -- format = "mask" }) -- Create image using the bitmap texture local bitmap = display.newImageRect( tex.filename, tex.baseDir, 100, 100 ) bitmap.x = display.contentCenterX bitmap.y = display.contentCenterY -- Loop through all pixels and set green channel to 1 for y = 1,tex.height do for x = 1,tex.width do tex:setPixel( x, y, nil, 1, nil, nil ) tex:invalidate() end end -- If no more modifications are required, release the texture tex:releaseSelf()